Important Update on CT at Port Perry Hospital

The Port Perry Hospital Foundation and Lakeridge Health are incredibly proud to have CT services at the Port Perry Hospital. The new CT scanner was installed in June 2023.

We are happy to report that in the four months since the start of operations, more than 1,000 patients have received their CT scan at the Port Perry Hospital. During this same period, the same Diagnostic Imaging (DI) team, servicing outpatients, inpatients, and emergency department patients performed almost 3,000 x-rays.

CT rooms looking through the glass with the monitors in the foreground

These are impressive numbers at any time, and even more so against the backdrop of financial and health human resources challenges facing the broader health-care system. Our DI techs at the Port Perry Hospital are to be commended.

Since the start of the operations of the CT scanner, Port Perry’s inpatient and emergency patient CT protocol is now well established. This means that patients in the most urgent need are, in almost all cases, now able to receive vital DI services while they are patients at the hospital. Travel for a patient at the Port Perry Hospital to another hospital for a CT scan while in immediate need is essentially a thing of the past.

However, we recognize that even with these significant positive impacts, there is still work to do. And we are aware that there is a need for greater outpatient CT services at the Port Perry Hospital to fully address the demand for outpatient scans.

I’d like to reassure the community that Lakeridge Health is taking this matter seriously, and is focused on increasing the availability of local outpatient CT services in north Durham. The DI team continues to work to increase capacity through internal training, as well as aligning staffing across all our facilities to develop additional supports to assist with CT scanner services at the Port Perry Hospital.

We are grateful for the community’s patience while we ramp up and increase the availability of this specialty imaging.

We thank our community for their support of this vitally important diagnostic tool that is already transforming care and bringing this vital service close to home for north Durham patients every day.

We also thank those who have provided feedback that is helping to improve care.