Port Perry Hospital Garden Project
The Port Perry Hospital Foundation, in partnership with Lakeridge Health, and in support of our local medical team’s care for patients, is excited to have committed to a garden project that will enhance care for our patients and their families.
The following is the RFP process for Landscape Architectural services being undertaken at this present time:
This Request for Proposal is issued for the purpose of soliciting Proposals from interested proponents for the provision of Landscape Architectural services as further described in the attached Instructions to Bidders on behalf of Lakeridge Health (LH) and the Port Perry Hospital Foundation.
Port Perry Hospital Foundation is seeking the services of a Landscape Architect with local area knowledge to facilitate a stakeholder consultation process (~4 weeks) to develop guiding objectives, undertake the design within the context of a fixed budget and guiding objectives, tender document preparation and the construction oversight of the Port Perry Hospital Community Garden.
The Community Garden is a project which has been developed in concept by the Foundation Board of Directors premising on community and stakeholder consultation which will be undertaken as the first step of the design and concept development stage of work.”
The following is the OTP link to this project and important notes about access to bid documents, electronic bidding, and communications:
This RFP is being distributed exclusively through the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP) and may be accessed through the following link:
NOTE: Bid documents must be obtained from, and bids must be submitted electronically through, the OTP. Communications in regards to this RFP shall be made via OTP electronic messaging (this may be accessed after registering for this bid opportunity on the OTP) and not directly with any individual who may be involved with this project.
The link to the OTP for firms interested in registering is https://ontariotenders.app.jaggaer.com.