Contact Us
Mailing Address

Port Perry Hospital Foundation
451 Paxton Street, Port Perry, ON L9L 1L9
Port Perry Hospital Foundation Staff
Chief Executive Officer:
Rachel Agnoluzzi, CFRE
Direct Line: 905-985-7321 ext 45581
Communications & Donor Relations Officer:
Alla Ollen-Bittle
Direct Line: 905-985-7321 ext 45580
Note: The Foundation office is located in the main corridor of the Port Perry Hospital.
Port Perry Hospital Important Numbers
Main Hospital Number: 905-985-7321
For all emergencies, call 911
Volunteering: Ext 33680
Emergency Dept: Ext 44953
Medical/Surgery Inpatient Unit: Ext 44937
Patient Accounts: Ext 45508
New Life Centre: Ext 45525